at Juggling Frogs then you should go take a leap!

: Kosher * KCC21 * Juggling Frogs * Kosher Cooking Carnival 21 * Kosher Cooking Carnival Twenty One * Kosher Cooking Carnival 21 * Jewish Cooking * Juggling Frogs * Mr Bagel Jlinks * Jewish * Mr Bagel * BagelBlogger * Bagel Blogger * Jew
Your graphics are just the perfect dessert for juggling frogs' KCC #21!
Maybe you could make up a special shofar and succah theme for #22?
Wow! Mr. Bagel Blogger!!!! What a great graphic! This is fantastic! You are so very talented... I am very flattered that you did this!!!
Thank you for taking the time to make this awesome sign!
I hope it's okay that I used the graphic in a post linking to your site so that everyone can enjoy your work. (If not, please let me know immediately, and I'll delete the image from the post.)
All the best,
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